Wednesday, September 11, 2019

2 journal questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2 journal questions - Assignment Example They can develop sleep disorders, attention problems, and difficulties in comprehending what they learn at school. The excessive exposure to the media can also make children overeat, and the consequence is weight gain or obesity. I also learned that providing the children with non-electronic materials and limiting their screen time can help overcome the problems (AAP). I learned effective approaches that can be used to tame children who use their phones excessively. Most children value keeping in touch with each other and can end up misusing their phones by over texting. Although the habit is annoying, texting is a preferred mode of communication among kids. The excessive use phones can affect how kids handle their homework, engage with family members, and attend to other responsibilities. Parents should insist that phones be kept aside at times such as when taking dinner or conversing with their seniors. Parents can take away their kids’ phones at night for charging, as well as, monitoring how they used them during the day. Finally, parents can institute location and time limits for phone use

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